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LabStats Software
LabStats Software

 What is LabStats Hardware & Software Tracking?

LabStats hardware and software tracking tool is designed to help higher education institutions make informed decisions when it comes to IT resources. With a better understanding of their student's demands, CIOs can deploy software and hardware that are useful to students and staff. 

With LabStats, you can gain a first-hand understanding of how computer labs are being used by students, how to invest strategically in the right resources, and which software is most and least used by students. Armed with this data, you can make informed decisions and fulfill student demands. 

LabStats hardware & software tracking is trusted by thousands of universities globally. Join them today. 

LabStats Features

Get swathes of current and historical data regarding hardware and software usage across campus, give remote control of systems to students, upload live computer lab mapping, share easily digestible reports with departments, and much more. You can also track the leading 200+ software in your environment to identify the most and least used applications. You can renegotiate software licenses better to prevent overspending on software that isn't being used by students. Here are some of the core benefits of LabStats hardware and software tracking:

·      Hardware & Software Tracking

·      Live Mapping of Computer Labs for System Availability 

·      Helping Students Find the Nearest System

·      Provide Remote Access to Students

Schedule a Walkthrough

To learn more about our cutting-edge tool, schedule a walkthrough by calling +1-208-473-2222 or sending an email to

You can also request a free trial of our software and learn how it can optimize your IT budget and resources. 


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